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Mountain Avala


Avala is one of the closest resort of Belgradians. It is situated about 15 km south of Belgrade and is 511 meters high. It represents a protected natural area of 489 hectares. On the mountain is the recently rebuilt Avala Tower, as well as monument of the Unknown Soldier created by the famous sculptor Ivan Mestrovic and the Monument to Soviet Veterans who died in that place in a plane crash in 1964.

There is also a medieval town, Zrnov, as it was called by the Serbs, while his Turkish name is Avala (which in Arabic means ”obstacle”, ‘’section’’). The mountain hosted the first competition in cross country skiing at 8 km was held in 1929 and the first ski championship of Serbia after the Second World War.
Of restaurants that are situated on Avala, we recommend hotel “Avala”, mountain house “Mitrovićev dom” and mountain resort “Čarapićev breg.”

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